March 10, 2025

How to answer Hard questions in Congo and Cameroon

1. Know the scriptures

The people in Congo and Cameroon will expect you to know the scriptures and everything about the doctrine since you are considered “ministers”.

In preparation for this you should be working out your scripture and personal study so that you won’t be ripped to pieces on the mission field. General Patton said, “A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood.” Elder Uchtdorf said, “I invite you to become experts in the doctrines of the gospel.”

Some people in Congo need the scriptures to be converted to the restored gospel. They love Jesus and have a vast knowledge of the Bible. They need to know the things that you are saying are true using the scriptures. The best converts are often like this, so if you want to baptize the best converts, you need to know the scriptures.

Because it is so easy to find new people to teach in Congo, sometimes we are tempted to drop the people who ask lots of questions and we look for people who accept what we teach more quickly. But with time, these people who question can have a change of heart and become the strongest members of the church, the ones who are truly converted. So just stick with them and with time they will understand.

Below are some things that you need to know extra well to teach people in Congo and Cameroon:

Scriptures about the law of chastity – how people can resist temptation and be strong

The Congolese and Cameroonians struggle a lot with keeping the law of chastity. The Congolese and the Cameroonians need extra attention and extra time learning this commandment. Teach it forward and directly. Teach the Law of Chastity so well they won’t be able to not understand and that it will stick with them.

When preparing a youth for baptism, give them the For the Strength of Youth book, be sure to review everything in the Sexual Purity and go over everything with them.

Don’t just teach people what the Law of Chastity is, teach them how they can avoid temptation, what they should do in bad situations, and how to resist temptation. Teach them to avoid pornography, because there is a lot of pornography on the TV and their social media.

Genesis 39:12 – when Joseph was tempted, he ran away from the temptation and he was blessed by the Lord for resisting temptation

Hebrew 4:15 – Jesus was tempted without sinning, we should follow his example as we are all tempted but should not sin.

Ephesians 5:5 – no dirty person can enter the kingdom of heaven

2 Nephi 9:39 – spiritual minded is life, carnally minded is death

Alma 39:9 – do not break the law of chastity or you will never enter the kingdom of heaven

1 Corinthians 11:11 – man and woman need to be together and be married

There is no other scripture than the Bible.”

Lots of faithful people in Congo and Cameroon love the Bible and think that it is all that it is the only scripture God has revealed for mankind. Then when we introduce another scripture that is “comparable to the Bible”, they think that we are replacing the Bible with another scripture. It’s really confusing for them and showing the Book of Mormon as comparable to the Bible can make them angry and confused. So you need to introduce the Book of Mormon in the context of the restoration and before just giving it to someone, who has to really explain what it is so they won’t think badly of it. You need to use tact and skill when teaching the BOM so that there will be no hard feelings and so they understand why we need the Book of Mormon.

Ezekiel 37:16-20 – bringing the Bible and the Book of Mormon together, you need to explain this one in depth for them to understand

John 10:16 – talking about the Nephites, you can pair it with 3 Nephi 15, where the Savior says the same thing

1 Nephi 13:20-29 – many things were taken out the Bible, it says that books will come forth with the lost information in the Latter-Days and that’s what the Book of Mormon is doing

Why do we need the Book of Mormon?”

For some people, teaching the Book of Mormon during their first or second lesson isn’t the best thing. They might not be ready for it because there’s something more pressing that they need to be taught. But for the most part, when teaching the Book of Mormon, you have to go slow with people and bring it up multiple times along the teaching process, because they will most likely not understand it.

They will say, “I like this Bible!” Then you will ask them who wrote it and they won’t know even after you just taught them or they will say that Joseph Smith wrote it after you clearly said it was written by “ancient prophets”. So always revisit the information you taught them, and one day it will click.

1 Nephi 13: 20-29 – many plain and precious truths were taken out of the Bible, many covenants were taken out such as how to baptize, the sacrament, sealing ordinance, etc. These things were restored with the Book of Mormon and other scriptures.

Mormon 3:21-22 – the point of this book is to have other witnesses that Jesus is the Christ

Ether 4:17 – when we get these words, we know that God has started his work upon the Earth, talking about the Restoration of Israel

2 Nephi 33:4-5 – very powerful scripture, these words persuade people to come to Christ, it speak harshly against sin, whoever will be angry against these words has the spirit of the devil

“Why are God and Jesus white?”

You will get this question a lot. It’s a valid question.

I’ve heard one person who is not of our faith give a really good explanation. These Congolese in a village asked him the question. Then he asked them, “Look at the sun. Is the sun white, African, Arab, European, Greek, what is the sun?” They responded, “The sun represents God.” The guy asked, “Who does the sun shine for?” They responded, “It shines for nature.” The guy said, “The sun shines for all the nations, all nations are you and me, it’s not for white people, it’s not for black skin, it’s for everyone.”

He then shared an amazing scripture in the Bible, Isaiah 53:2, “he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.”

God shines for all nations, he is not the God for one people he shines for everyone and every nation.

Jesus Christ is God and the Father and Jesus are the same being

A lot of people in Brazzaville know the scriptures but they interpret them wrong, but they are able to strongly defend their bad interpretations. This can lead to Bible bashing if you meet someone who is really strong with the Bible. Bible bashing isn’t a bad thing if it leads to understanding. It is usually a good thing to Bible bash in the beginning because it shows that you are serious and that you also have a good knowledge of the scriptures.

So 99% of people in Congo and Cameroon think that Jesus is God and that he is also the Holy Ghost. Here are some scriptures to show them that it’s wrong. Most of them will accept the scriptures, but some will fight back with other scriptures saying that they are.

A lot of people will use John 14:9, “when you have seen me you have seen the Father”

Use Hebrew 1:3 and say that Jesus and God look exactly alike but they are separate, because it says that Jesus sits at the right hand of God.

Mark 1:11 – the voice of God the Father, thus they are two distinct beings

1 Peter 3:22 – Jesus is at the right hand of God, separate and distinct

John 14:28 – Jesus is going to his Father, who is greater than he is, proof that they are separate

John 7:16 – Jesus’s teaching are of God

John 10:17 – the Father loves Jesus, they are separate and distinct


In Congo, there are these people named Brenehmists. They will ask you , “Do you believe in the enlèvement?” Enlèvement means being “caught up”. It is when Jesus Christ comes in the Second Coming the righteous will be “caught up” in a cloud to receive him. We also believe it.

D&C 88:96-98 – caught up

DC 76: 63 – caught up

DC 78:21 – caught up

Revelation 11:12 – caught up

So when they ask you if you believe in the enlèvement, say yes.

Sometimes the Congolese and Cameroonians won’t tell you that they are struggling with a problem. They might seem like they’re perfect on the surface but in reality they may have a problem lurking beneath that can impede their spiritual growth. It is usually with the Law of Chastity or the Word of Wisdom. We had an investigator who was 16 and was drinking with his friends. If We had mentioned the Word of Wisdom a little, that may have helped him to know the way but instead we were too focused on just reading with him the Book of Mormon and not addressing the real problem he had. 

If you sense that they may have a problem, address that and help them make good decisions that will help them spiritually. 

Best way to Study the scriptures

Something that unlocked my spirituality on the mission was studying Gospel Principles. It is literally the best book ever. This unlocked my ability to teach and understand doctrine for myself and helped me become the kind of person I am today.

So again, I would recommend all missionaries to study Gospel Principles. You can find it on the gospel library app. 

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