Northern BrazzavilleNorthern BrazzavilleMonkey head in a market in BrazzavilleNight marketTransfer board for the former Congo Brazzaville mission, separated according to zones in the Congo Mission and Cameroon mission, top and bottom, respectively. Marche TotaleSunset in BrazzavilleSunset in BrazzavilleLa MontagneCongo RiverNkomboCongo RiverMonkey pet in Mikalou BrazzavilleLa Corniche bridge in Brazzaville
There are city parts of Brazzaville, buts its usually the sister missionaries or APs who serve there and the Elders serve in the outer parts of the city that can be very rural.
La Montagne, northern Brazzaville, its got a great view of the whole city
Talangai, BrazzavilleKintele Sport Complex, BrazzavilleLa Palais de Congres Brazzaville Eating beignets and soda with an investigator, La MontagneLa Montagne, Brazzaville ZoneCrepes on a Monday nightBacongo, BrazzavilleThe beach at Pointe-NoireTaxis at Marche TotaleBaptisms at Pointe-NoireGuynemar, BrazzavilleNkombo Building, Brazzaville