March 10, 2025

Pointe-Noire Miracle

There was a branch in Pointe-Noire called Mpaka 2. The miracle of Mpaka 2 was that the branch mission program was so effective that the branch missionaries found and taught 50 investigators to prepare for baptism in just 6 months. You can recreate this miracle in your ward or branch by following this system:

When you enter a ward or branch look at the list of all of the ward missionaries. Then on Sunday after church all the ward missionaries. A good mission friend, Elder Soto describes this step this way:

You want to make sure you have the MOST spiritual members of your entire branch as the branch missionaries. They need to be the hottest spiritually. If you want to build a big fire, you put the 5 pieces of coal together and you put them in the center. When they are together they are going to burn very well and are going to create a good big fire. Put the most spiritual members together with other spiritual members as branch missionaries then hold a meeting with all of them.

Ask the ward missionaries one by one how many hours they can dedicate to teaching the gospel each week. For some it could be 5 hours. For others it can be 2 whole days during the weekends. Start training them on what to teach to prepare people for baptism. 

Have the male ward missionaries work alongside you so that they can get used to missionary work and see it’s not that bad. 

The goal is to have the ward missionaries find new investigators on their own and know how to teach one or two lessons well. Then you follow up on the people they find and teach them. 

Make sure the ward missionaries are dedicating that time to go out and to walk in the neighborhood and to teach. Make sure that they have enough brochures. 

Obviously the most important thing a prospective convert needs to have before baptism is not just have listened to the lessons. They need to have been active in Church for at least a few months and they need to be keeping all the commandments in that time. This is how an investigator shows that they are ready to be a member of the Church. 

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