March 10, 2025

The very best demographic to focus on the mission…

…are teenagers and people in their early 20s who can go on a mission.

These are the people that I baptized the most on the mission. They are the people who are the most receptive to the gospel and the most likely to endure to the end.

Youths are most likely to be brought into the church by their friends who are members. Whenever we taught a teenager who had no connection with the church, his friends would get in the way and dissuade them from joining the church. But when it was the friend of a member who brought us the friend they were almost always baptized. 

To find and teach these people work with the member teenagers and young adults, especially the new converts. They have lots of friends. When you ask they might say that they don’t have any friends who will listen but if you use this technique they will give you dozens of names of their friends.

Also focus on finding and reactivating less active youth.

I will give a story, we were standing outside the church building and talking to youths as they walked by. I talked to one of them and he told me he was a member of the church and the funny thing was that he lived right next door to the church building. He hadn’t come to church in 3 years and was 17. We began teaching him and his friends. On Sunday mornings we would stop by his house and wake him up for church. Soon he was fully active and is now preparing for a mission. As a missionary, he will be able help even more people join the church.

There was another youth. He was in Sunday School and after the meeting I found out that he wasn’t a member. He had been coming to church off and on for past 4 years since he was 12. So we  started teaching him and had to go every Sunday morning to pick him up for Church. Because we did these efforts, the missionaries after I left baptized him and he is also preparing for a mission. 

You will have the most success when you focus on the youth and young adults. Be close to them and get to know them individually and help fortify them in the gospel. Then use the member referral game and teach all of their friends. Then baptize all of them.

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