March 10, 2025

What turned me into an UBER spiritual missionary

As a young missionary, I would only read the Book of Mormon, Bible and Preach My Gospel. A year into my mission I started studying Gospel Principles, you can find this in Gospel Library. It increased my spirituality 100%. It taught things much easier than PMG and it helped me immensely to understand the gospel and grow my testimony. I would read it and whenever it mentioned a scripture from the Book of Mormon, I would read and mark that scripture. I was able to use those scriptures when teaching and it helped my teaching a lot. At the same time, I changed the way I was studying the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith said in the introduction of Book of Mormon as saying that it is the truest book and that following its teachings brings you closer to God than any other book. Following its teachings is critical, its not just reading, its putting into practice. I wanted to prove that promise in my own life. I marked every scripture in the Book of Mormon where it said to do something. At the same time, I put the thing into practice. It was amazing. I understood the Book of Mormon much better and I was a much more patient and kind companion and missionary.

Exact obedience

Becoming a Consecrated Missionary by Tad R. Callister helped me the most to want to be a super obedient missionary. When it was hard in Cameroon, this talk helped me want to be strong and to push myself to be a hard working missionary. When you are an obedient missionary, it doesn’t just help others, it helps yourself. Laziness and disobedience as a missionary is like a poison. It destroys yourself and you feel bad physically and spiritually. Obedience and hard work is pure happiness and health. Its the key to happiness. Also when you are obedient, you understand the scriptures better and are a much better missionary. It’s like you are on Cloud 9, it’s the key to having an excellent mission, obedience and hard work.

Talks that helped me become a better missionary

Becoming a Consecrated Missionary by Tad R. CallisterTalks that helped me become a better missionary

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by Gene R Cook

The Challenging and Testifying Missionary

Miracle of a Mission by Elder Holland

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