March 11, 2025

About This Website

Hello my name is Chris. I created this website to educate missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints preparing to serve in Central Africa, but the things taught in this blog can help all missionaries preparing to serve in other areas around the globe.

A little bit about myself: I am from Newport Beach, California but am currently studying at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. I served in the Republic of the Congo Brazzaville Mission from 2018 to 2020. I was released early from my mission because of COVID. You can read about my experience of getting evacuated from Cameroon in this article. I came back from Cameroon and subsequently suffered from malaria that I had contracted in Africa. You can read about that here. After I got better from malaria, I started this website in June 2020.

Why I started this website: I’ve always been fascinated by missionary work. Even before the mission I read many missionary preparation books and inspired those around me preparing for missions. I made this website to share the insights and experience that I have gained from the mission and useful missionary advice.

Another reason why I started my website was to give correct information to missionaries about what to buy in preparation to serving in Africa. There is a lot of confusion about what to bring and what not to bring, which is why I wrote my Top 10 Things You Will Need to Serve in Africa Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. They are tried and true essentials that will be very helpful to have in Africa.

Breakdown of website: This website is made up of 3 main parts: Articles on Africa, Missionary Preparation, and Preparing to Serve in Africa.

Articles on Africa: These are interesting articles on culture in Central Africa especially Congo and Cameroon. There are articles about the languages the people speak, what the people eat, the weather, religion, and many interesting stories.

Missionary Preparation: These article deal with general missionary skills that I have learned. I recommend all missionaries preparing to serve who are reading this website to study them in depth and for parents of missionaries to also send helpful articles to their missionary.

Preparing to Serve in Africa: These are for missionaries preparing to serve in Africa, these articles are a mix of some of the articles on Africa and the missionary preparation articles that deal specifically with helping missionaries who are going to serve in Central Africa. They should all be looked over for missionaries preparing to serve in the Cameroon Yaoundé and Congo Brazzaville Missions.

If you have any specific questions you can type in anything into the search bar and it will find it one of the articles I’ve written.

You can see videos of Congo and Cameroon that I took on my mission on my YouTube channel and you can see all the cool pictures I took in Brazzaville (part 1, part 2) here and Douala and Yaoundé Cameroon here.


I just want to end with my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve God’s children by sharing the gospel. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and His love and sacrifice for me and for everyone in the world. I know that Jesus is our Savior and that by knowing and keeping his commandments we can find peace in this life and eternal joy with Him and God’s presence.

Thank you for reading this website !

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