March 10, 2025

Blessings of doing sport (exercise)

The hardest rule for many missionaries to keep is exercise in the morning (in French it’s called “sport”, pronounced spor).

The blessings of doing sport are:

1. Ready to have a more involved spiritual personal study. It’s hard to have a meaningful study when you just woke up and your blood is not moving. And if you have a bad study, you are going to have a less spiritual day in sector, this is speaking by experience.

2. More energetic in sector/able to have the spirit better in sector. I have tested this myself. When you exercise in the morning, you are more jumpy and more ready to take on the day. You are more energetic and you get to places faster. You are happier in sector and you teach better.

3. You will be happier. When you wake up on time and do everything on time, you are able to get out of the apartment on time and be a more effective missionary and then that makes you more happy. So doing sport equals being more happy.

Doing sport is a very hard thing to do. It’s better to make the choice now that you will be obedient rather than when you are confronted with the choice. Choose today that you will do sport every morning. You will be blessed beyond what you can imagine. 

It’s hard to make the right choice and to stand alone because sometimes, you will be the only person in the apartment doing sport in the morning. When you make the right choice, you will be personally blessed physically and spiritually and others will see your good example and they will want to join you in your good behaviors. 

So I recommend to each and everyone of you to do sport in the mornings and you will be much happier!

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