March 9, 2025

Very helpful Lingala phrases you NEED in Congo

In Congo they speak a local language called Lingala. If you are going to serve in Congo it would be very wise to learn some basic Lingala sentences along with French.

The best way to learn Lingala is by asking the members for help. They will be more than happy to help you learn. Unfortunately there is no Google translate for Lingala.

In other parts of Congo, they speak other local languages like Lari, or Kituba. Wherever you serve just learn whatever language the people speak in the area and the people will LOVE YOU.

The nice thing about Lingala is that 95% of it is spoken exactly as how it’s written so you don’t have to guess about pronunction.

Here are some words and phases in Lingala that will help you out:

Mbote – hello

Byeoo – bye

Ndenge nini – how are you

Malamu- good (response to how are you)

ngai bien – I’m good (response to how are you)

Oza – you are

Naza – I am

Naza nzala – I am hungry

Na lembi – I am tired

Te – no

Uh – yes

Kombo – name

Kombo nayo nani? – what’s your name?

Kombo ngai… – my name is…

Mundele – white person

Muindu – black person

Sambela – pray

Yaka – come

Yaka awa- come over here

Nzambe – God

Matondo – thank you

Matondo mingi- thank you very much

Na yoki – I understand

Nazo yoki te – I don’t understand

Loba lisusu – Could you say that again?

Olobaka Lingala – Do you speak Lingala?

Na lobaka lingala te – I don’t speak Lingala

Kolia malamu – bon appetit

Eza moto – It’s hot

Wapi – where

Okei wapi? – where are you going?

Eglise eza wapi? – where is the church?

Nini- what?

Na lingi yo – I like you

Mbongo – money

Naza na mbongo te – I don’t have money

Biso nazali na Temoigne de Jehovah te – we are not Jehovah’s Witnesses

Ma – here, take this, (you usually say this to the bus driver so that you can give him the money)

Na yebi – I know that

eza ya solo – is true

Testimony in Lingala:

Nayebi ke tozali eklisia ya Yesu Klisto. Nayebi ke boku ya Molomoni eza yasolo. Nayebi ke Yesu asungi na biso. – I know that we are the church of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Jesus saved us.

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